"The strong shall stand, the weak will fall by the wayside" -TACP Motto
A "TACP," or "Tactical Air Control Party," is an individual within Air Force Special Warfare personnel whom acts as the principle Air Force liaison element to the U.S. Army, generally attaching to conventional U.S. Army/USMC infantry & combat elements, or to Special Operations teams such as the 75th Ranger Regiment, Air Force Special Tactics, and Special Forces ODAs (Operation Detachment Alpha). TACP act as qualified JTACs (Joint Terminal Attack Controllers) to provide precision terminal attack, close air support, artillery strikes, and naval gunfire; TACP establish and maintain command & control communications by advising & assisting ground force commanders on the use of air power/air assets on the battlefield.
ELIGIBILITY Requirements
TACP Age Requirements: Minimum age of 17 & maximum age of 39
TACP AZVAB Requirements: General Score 49 or higher​
TACP Education Requirements: High School Diploma or GED
TACP Vision Requirements: Best eye vision 20/70 or better, correctable to 20/20
Be a High School graduate or have a GED
Have normal color vision and depth perception
Best eye vision of 20/70 or better, correctable to 20/20
A minimum score of 60 on the PJ selection model based on the Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System
Be physically fit enough to handle aircrew, parachute, and marine-diving duties
Completion of a current National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit Checks
Completion of a current Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI) that leads to the ability of the Airman obtaining a secret or higher-level security clearance
Air Force PAST Test EXPLAINED: Proper Exercise Form, Standards, & Instructions
Official PAST Test Form-Downloadable PDF
AFSPECWAR airmen require an Air Force Special Warfare physical (plus sister-school requirements) to be eligible for entry. A few documents to have in your hip pocket if you have medical concerns:
1) The Air Force Medical Standards Directory (MSD)- PDF.
The MSD is the source document that Air Force physicians cite for determining your medical eligibility. The Feb 2020 update to the MSD has a specific column for Special Warfare Airmen that includes several medical standards updates.
HOW TO INTERPRET THE MSD: If there is an ‘X’ in the box under the Special Warfare column, that condition is disqualifying and will need to seek a waiver for that condition, or be medically disqualified from the job. Some medical conditions may be waiverable depending on severity and mission impact.
2) The USAFSAM Waiver Guide- PDF. This guide helps Air Force physicians and waiver authorities further clarify disqualifying conditions and what the thought process should be to consider a waiver if the medical standard has not been met. Although this waiver guide is utilized primarily for trained assets (i.e. current operators or pilots), the same thought process could be utilized for untrained assets as well when determining whether to grant a waiver.
3) DAFMAN 48-123 Medical Examinations and Standards gives general exam information and most notably, waiver guidance.
High school diploma, GED with 15 college credits, or GED
Successful completion of the TACP physical ability and stamina test
Minimum score of 30 on the TACP selection model completed in Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System
Normal color vision & depth perception
Compliance with medical standards for Ground Base Controller Duty
Possession of a valid state driver’s license to operate government motor vehicles
Must maintain ability to deploy and mobilize worldwide
Qualification to bear firearms
Completion of a current National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit
Must be between the ages of 17 and 39

A enlisted 1C4X1 candidates and 13L ALO candidates will attend a 5-day indoctrination course at Medina AFB immediately following basic military training. The course educates candidates on the TACP career field and also identifies candidates unsuitable for the AFSC. An entry-level Physical Abilities and Stamina Test (PAST) test and a 4-mile timed ruck march must be successfully completed to pass the Indoctrination course and progress to the Initial Qualification Course at Lackland Air Force Base.
Initial Training
Block I Basic Career Knowledge (30 Days)
Portable radio familiarization, basic career knowledge, and associated publications.
Block II Ground Environment Training (30 Days)
Field training exercise, day and night land navigation, vehicle navigation, convoy training, and small unit tactics. Also including training in bivouac setup, site selection, patrolling methods, and day and night navigation on foot and in a vehicle.
Block III Air Support Coordination/Weapons Systems (25 Days)
Methods and means of requesting close air support, weapons effects and utilization, and other coordination procedures.
Advanced Training
United States Air Force Combat Survival School – 3 weeks, Fairchild AFB, Washington
This course teaches basic survival techniques for remote areas using minimal equipment. This includes instruction of principles, procedures, equipment and techniques that help individuals to survive regardless of climatic conditions or unfriendly environments, and return with honor.
United States Army Airborne School** – Basic Parachutist Course – 3 weeks, Fort Benning, Georgia
Students learn the basic parachuting skills required to infiltrate an objective area by static line airdrop. This course includes ground operations week, tower week, and "jump week" when participants make five parachute jumps. Personnel who complete this training are awarded the basic parachutist rating and are allowed to wear the Parachutist Badge.
**Note: Some of these courses are unit dependent and not all students may be selected.
Cited via Airforce.com:
High school diploma, GED with 15 college credits, or GED
Successful completion of the TACP physical ability and stamina test
Minimum score of 30 on the TACP selection model completed in Tailored Adaptive Personality Assessment System
Normal color vision and depth perception
Compliance with medical standards for Ground Base Controller Duty
Possession of a valid state driver’s license to operate government motor vehicles
Must maintain ability to deploy and mobilize worldwide
Qualification to bear firearms
Completion of a current National Agency Check, Local Agency Checks and Credit
Completion of 8.5 weeks of Basic Military Training
Must be between the ages of 17 and 39